Young, healthy looking skin contains an abundance of a naturally hydrating substance called hyaluronic acid (HA). As we age, genetics and external factors reduce the amount of HA in our skin. In addition, the bony support underneath the skin dimishes over time. This loss of facial volume creates unwanted wrinkles and folds- such as the parentheses lines around our nose and mouth. Recent attention, however, has focused on first restoring the natural volume in the cheeks. Revitalizing the cheeks with either Restylane Lyft® may improve the appearance of the lines around the mouth even before we introduce other HA fillers such as Revanesse Versa® or Restylane Refyne®.
At Craig Singer MD Dermatology, we carefully assess each patient’s needs. We recognize that just as every patient is different, not all dermal fillers are created equal. Dr. Singer may use a combination of dermal fillers on single patient in order to produce the most natural looking results.
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