IPL Photorejuvenation
Before the procedure...
1. It is imperative that you avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 4
weeks prior to your treatment. This is a must and no exceptions will be
2. Avoid applying self-tanner for 2 weeks prior to treatment.
3.Avoid Ibuprofen, Alleve, and Naprosyn for 72 hours prior to your treatment.
4.Inform the technician if are taking Accutane, doxycycline, or other medicines that make you sensitive to the sun.
5.Store ice packs in your freezer for use after your procedure.
The Day of the procedure...
1. If possible, arrive without creams or make-up on the treatment area. Otherwise please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment in order to clean the skin. Cleansing products are available for your convenience.
2.Allow 45-90 minutes for your appointment depending on the size of the
treatment area.
3.Pre-treatment photos will be taken.
4. Just prior to treatment, you will be given eye shields to wear to protect
your eyes.
IPL Photorejuvenation
What to expect...
Expect your skin to appear pink (resembling mild sunburn) for a few hours after
treatment. You may see some temporary redness and swelling in the treatment area.
Dark spots will turn darker before they eventually peel away. Your skin may be
temperature-sensitive for several days after treatment. All scabs should fall off within a
Blistering and crusting are rare; however, if these do occur, apply a thin layer of
Aquaphor ointment 3 times a day until they are resolved. Please call us if you
experience either of these uncommon reactions.
After the procedure...
Immediately after the procedure, apply cool compress/ice packs on and off for the first couple hours after treatment.
Stay out of the direct sunlight for the next 4 weeks. Always wear sunscreen and widebrimmed hats when outside. Make-up may be applied to cover redness as needed.
Use gentle skin cleanser such as Dove, CeraVe or Cetaphil, and moisturize.
Avoid harsh topical products such as retinol and glycolic acid for 1 week after the
Sleeping with your head elevated for the first night will also help decrease any swelling
you may experience.
Remember that brown spots and freckles will appear darker while healing. These
typically flake off 1 week after the procedure.
It usually takes 3-5 treatments to achieve an optimum result. IPL sessions are usually
scheduled a month apart.
Hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin color) can occur in some skin types. Please
call us if you experience this uncommon reaction.